dimecres, de gener 18, 2006

Festes parateatrals

Xavier Fàbregas Cavallers, dracs i dimonis
A tot el llarg de la nostra geografia cultural s'han conservat una diversitat de festes populars amb un contingut molt estructurat com a ritual teatral són el que es coneixen com a manifestacions parateatrals i que són molt interessants per anilitzar les nostres caracerístiques com a poble. No es perdau el llibre deFàbregas, però sobretot no deixeu d'anar a alguna d'aquestes festes que encara tindran lloc el proper cap de setmana a Massalfassar, Canals, Vilanova d'Alcoleja, Xelva, etc.

Posted by PicasaEls botargues del Forcall
* La foto l'ha enviada Pilar Puerto que com veieu ha fet els deures del curs English alive.
Hello everybody,
As you can see I'm quite efficient and i'm doing my homework before going to bed.
I send you the list of addresses and a picture from the special festivity I went last Friday night in Forcall (Castellón), they celebrate S. Anton with a big fire you can pass through and remain inside a few seconds with the evils, it's a experience I recommend you.
Next day we can take a photo of our group in alphabetic order to illustrate the activity we've done to start the session.
See you soon. Best wishes.

4 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

El proper dissabte a Xelva també es celebra amb narracions orals pels carrers i vora el foc i activitats diverses.
Per cert, que la foto és meua, Luís Gil Pellín, la meua dona ha volgut compartir-la amb tots vosaltres.
Felicitacions pel blog.

Anònim ha dit...

Fantástica la foto

Anònim ha dit...

Fast work Pilar and Toni - I'm impressed. The photo
is great - these festivals of fire look really
interesting. I'm afraid that in my country something
like this would be impossible due to our excessively
enthusiastic Health and Safety laws. And as for
Fallas ...

I enjoyed our first session of English Alive - you are
a wonderful group to work with. And your English
definitely came Alive. Look forward to Pilar's
feedback and to next Tuesday's session when we'll be
looking at more motivating speaking activities,
including a hilarious group roleplay that takes place
in a train... Be there or be square! And as Toni
said, if you find other people who are interested in
joining the course, next Tuesday is their last


Anònim ha dit...

Les de Vilanova d´Alcolea li peguen quaranta patades. Ho podreu comprovar l´any que ve. Allò és foc Per a gaudir de valent i per a tothom.