dimarts, de gener 30, 2007

Competència lingüística en anglés

El taller de Tim Herdon està ja en marxa i hem demanat als assistents que voluntariament cada setmana una persona s'encarregue de fer el resum perquè tots pugau seguir les activitats. Així que cada dimarts tindreu una mena d'informe del que vaja succeint. Volem aprofitar per suggerir una pel.lícula que està ara en cartellera i que podeu veure en el Ciné-Cité en versió original subtitolada:
Stranger than Fiction

No us la podeu perdre, una reflexió divertidíssima sobre les veus de la novel.la i mai millor dit. A continuació el resum de la sessió del dimarts passat.

Warm up activities:
1. People who came for the first time introduced themselves and everyone else tried to remember everybody else’s names.

2. Linking words: We played a game where a first person says “a word”, the following person another word related to that previous one, and so on; if somebody didn’t understand the connexion between the words had to stop the game and the person who said the last word had to explain why those words were connected.

To begin with we started the session with an activity related to publicity, using graphic ads. The aim of this activity was trying to guess what a series of photographs were advertising and discuss the style used (double meanings, humour…)


Two different visual ads were given to each group with an attached text where the author explained how he created the ad; the objective was to look for the main information answering a set of given questions and tell the rest of the group how the ad was created without reading the whole text.


Working with vocabulary, this second activity was an introduction to the third and main activity; we had to match a set of words with their synonyms or definitions, the vocabulary was related to the texts we were going to read afterwards.

The third and last activity: A text was divided into three parts and each part given to a group. The objective of the activity was to answer 15 questions about the text. In order to do this we had to find the missing information by asking members of the other two groups.
By the end of the activity everybody was required to have information about the whole text and be able to answer the given set of questions.

Maria Nolasco