dimarts, de març 13, 2007

Friends, Books, Food and Music to say go on working Teachers!

Com sabeu hem acabat el curs de "Competència lingüística" amb Tim Herdon i ara només ens queda referir-vos al proper curs de didàctica de l'anglés "English alive" que farem el 1r trimestre del proper curs o als altres cursos de metodologia didàctica (dramatització, web educativa, animació lectora) o a les Jornades. Ara només queda agrair a totes les persones que han participat al curs la seua predisposició i demanar-vos que estu atents a les eines didàctiques que anirem presentant ací al blog i que us poden ser d'utilitat per la planificació de les classes. Per exemple, ací teniu el PowerPoinT de Pilar Puerto per a la seus exposició sobre les lectures que cada alumne del curs va preparar, i altres de l'àmbit lingüístic en Slide Share, un programa específic per a pujar PPT on line (està considerat el YouTube dels PPT). Compte! Si voleu pujar PPT més grans necessiteu el pptminimizer.

Today’s the 1st (for last thursday) of March and we’re going to have the last session of Tim’s course.
What do you think teenagers, apartheid, nutmeg, Brooklyn, family, tapenade and songs like “Our house” have in common?
The answer is... that all this you can find it if you follow us. Have you guess it?
It’s our last session and we`ve plenty of things to do. Tim’s infected us by his enthusiasm and the way all becomes more attractive.
So we’ve started listening about the books our mates have choosen to read. Remember the aim was to read something we don’t usually read, something different.

The first one is Raquel talking about “The Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger. She’s told us that she hasn’t liked this book because it is so depressive and repetitive. Tim explains that it is based on the point of view of teenagers and that is very popular among them.and that perphaps Raquel is a very optimistic woman far away from that perception

Marisa has the same feeling reading “Riotous Assembly” by Tom Sharpe, she hasn’t enjoyed reading it because it’s a kind of black humour that she doesn’t share.

However Begoña Fe-Castell has enjoyed reading “Nathamel’s Nutmeg” by Giles Milton, an interesting historical fiction book. With a power-point presentation she introduces us the author, plot, characters and place in an attractive way.

After her MªJesús, doing a big effort to come today (she’s been ill and we hope she gets well when she reads that), has told us about “On Beauty” by Zadie Smith, a story about two different families: one liberal, the other one conservative and two cultures: British and American. She’s really enjoyed reading that book because she must be guessing all the time and the more you read the more you find, it’s made her think.

Begoña Martí tells us about Paul Auster and his book “The Brooklyn Foolish”. According to her opinion it’s a macrostory full of microstories that is a metanovel. She explains that it’s an extremely optimistic novel where everything ends happily. She recommends us to read it in an intensively way.

At the end Tim summarizes the experience:
We’ve read and worked about: historical fiction, modern fiction, authors never heard of, two plays, a parabole, themes distant from our own experience…
We all agree we’ve found the whole process very interesting: selecting, reading, preparing the presentation, listening to the other companions. We’ve shared interesting ideas and attended to a wide range of presentations. So it has been very gratifying and enriching.

As we were very happy and we wanted to celebrate all that, we've drank beer and ate “tapenade”, following with the inicial idea someone has had to bring some special food to taste at the break time. Thanks you to the cooks!

The end has been with music: “Our house” and “We’re family”.

See you soon at the dinner we’ve planned next 28th March, contact with Toni at the CEFIRE.
And don’t forget all that we’ve shared if you also want to enjoy with your students.

by Pilar Puerto